Developer Blog

Text2God Application Developer Blog

As I’ve been nearing the full 1.0 release of my Text2God application, I have reached a fork in the road in terms of how to best deploy and host this application. 

Ideally, I would like this text-based interface to host natively on this website with computing taking place on the server-side. However, to make that work with my current programming language would require a number of workarounds that might not be compatible with my original vision. 

What I can offer though in the interim while I try to work this out is offer the application’s program file for free for Windows and Mac desktop users once I am confident in my 1.0 build. This way, users can download and execute Text2God on the client-side. 

I plan to make my application a free resource to all who would like to use it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it! Stay tuned for my target release in the first half of May 2022! 


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