
Pray to help others and God will give you strength

God Can Work Through You, And Helping Others Helps You Time for a little story. I’m not really a superstitious person but I feel like my actions were a message to the universe and God that I want to help people in a more meaningful way, which partially led to my selection with my new employer.  About 3 weeks ago I was doing one of my string of 5 different routes in my career position at the USPS. I work in downtown Waterbury mostly. I have come across people who are living well and people who are struggling in this city. On Bank street there is a homeless man I’ve come to know who’s always on the same street corner. A very nice and courteous guy. I always said hi to him. He looks young, maybe in his 40s and has an apparent back problem as he’s always hunched over, but he has a walker.  One day 3 weeks ago it was an extremely cold day of arctic air that was blowing through New England. The wind was whipping and if it caught you in the face it was the type of air that could gi...

Developer Blog #3: Researching Application Delivery Options

Text2God Religious Self-Help Application Deployment  Yes, I missed my deadline by four or five months now. As I pushed hard and fast with compiling and testing the Text2God App, other priorities drew into focus and life got in the way as life is wont to do.  However, I am determined to get this build in its current state out to the masses. What is continued coding and testing good for if I find out that I can’t even fully release this application on this site in the way that I originally intended?  I am researching my options and I hope to release this now before year’s end. Please bear with me as this is a small passion project of mine. Thanks for listening, or reading. 

A prayer for the victims of mass shootings, and why extremism and hate is evil and not aligned with the love of God

Extremism Can Only Be Fought With Love Lord Jesus, we pray for those who have met violent ends in these United States and abroad to the extremism and hatred of those who perpetrate mass shootings. Please bless the victims, the survivors, and their families as they grieve the horrors of this evil. Please allow them to see Your grace and love and kindness in the days to come. Any life lost to evil is an unthinkable crime. Please bless these families with unfailing love.   Even still, we pray that those who have had their hearts, minds, and souls, poisoned by this evil and violent rhetoric learn the true ways of God and love, and that evil doesn’t beget evil. The only way for the cycle of hate and violence to end, Lord, is for those who are poisoned to see Your Face and be cleansed in spirit while they still walk this Earth. Please show them the way of love so that they can learn to love again. In Your name we pray. Amen.  Extremism and Hate What is it about religion and belief...

Developer Blog #2: Approaching Final Build

Text2God Application Final Build As I am nearing the end of my coding journey for my 1.0 build of the Text2God application, I would like to update you with my updated timetable.  I will probably be releasing this application for use on any Windows and Mac desktop environment by the end of this month of May. The 1.0 release will contain hundreds of unique responses for those who want to make specific prayers or ask any particular spiritual or philosophical questions. As a resource, it will provide a wide variety of help resources or help line phone numbers for a number of sensitive topics. Finally, this application will continue to be worked on beyond its initial release, and I will be adding additional keyword phrases and responses so that users have the richest and most helpful experience using it.  I look forward to presenting to you the world’s first-of-its-kind Text2God application! Stay tuned and God bless! 

Faith-based prayer's link to science and mental well-being

Prayer's Link To Science And Mental Health   In various communities across the globe, there appears to be two worlds of thought: those who do believe in a higher power, and those who don't. While skeptics may argue what the point of having faith even does for a person and may show how strong they fare on their own terms, there is a benefit to letting go of control over one's life, even if it's for a few fleeting moments of time. Although not much research has been devoted to the subject of faith and prayer, there is something to be said for the boost in mental health that the act of praying creates. According to  The Wall Street Journal , "research that has been done on prayer shows it may have similar benefits to meditation: It can calm your nervous system, shutting down your fight or flight response. It can make you less reactive to negative emotions and less angry." The simple act of praying is a mental exercise in giving up control that one might feel th...

Bridging the divide between science and religion

The Bridge Between Science And Religion Scientific tools cannot measure or detect the existence of souls, but could atheists argue by that same logic that consciousness too does not exist? Could arguments be made that because we cannot see our thoughts, that thoughts too mustn't exist? These arguments for the absence of God often fall into classic contradictions of thought and logic. When conducting simple thought experiments, skeptics argue that a God couldn't be all-powerful if he could make a boulder that he couldn't move, but simply throwing word games at the question of God is far too small-minded to even begin to challenge God's existence. Famous atheist comedian Ricky Gervais revels in his atheism and perceived ability to disprove God, with one of his arguments being how many gods used to be worshipped in ancient times. However, just because ancient people believed in multiple versions does not mean that a divine source or singularity cannot exist.  With the un...

A prayer to The Holy Spirit

A Prayer To The Holy Spirit Whenever you are feeling down, in a weakened state, or simply want to bring more blessings into your life, you can use this prayer to The Holy Spirit to help guide you on your path. Please feel free to save, print, or share this valuable resource and prayer with loved ones and keep the faith. The Lord of your shepherd and he will guide you with loving and eternal light!